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Spiritual Healing Blog
by Coach & Mentor Keya Murthy

January 4, 2015
Don’t ask for more …

Don’t ask for more … Affirm that you have enough and you do enough. I remember when I used to shop at membership outlets like Costco and Sam’s club. I would buy in bulk because I was told that is the way to save. One day I was at Walmart and I said ‘Hey! Diapers...

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November 30, 2013
“Change is the only constant in life” a Buddhist way of living

“Change is the only constant in life” a Buddhist way of living Sometimes not giving up what we do not need prevents us from getting what we want. Things wait to come to us when we make room for it. E.g. imagine or visualize, picture or pretend you are walking down a main street in...

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December 11, 2012
Overcoming Resistance using Hypnosis

Overcoming Resistance using Hypnosis Have you ever wondered how right actions lead to wrong results? We think something is right to do and then we know the results we get are wrong. What is it that creates this discord? How is it possible for things to go wrong in this world, in this life? We...

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December 9, 2012
Self-Hypnosis is all hypnosis

All hypnosis is self-hypnosis Having heard so you might wonder why do you need a hypnotherapist. Let me first explain what hypnosis is. When your thoughts align with your belief system; when what you want is what you need, you begin to create. Hypnosis allows you to create effortlessly. Often our needs are simple and...

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July 30, 2012
Hypnosis & Weight Loss – II

Hypnosis & Weight Loss – II People have an aversion to foods no matter how healthy they are, if this food was forced upon them as a child. I have had clients tell, “Oh! My mother was into this organic stuff, even before the world went  “organic”. This is why I have such a tender...

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July 30, 2012
Hypnosis & Weightloss - I

Hypnosis and Weight Loss - I: Whenever anyone learns of me working as a clinical hypnotherapist, the first response I hear either one of the three: “Can you make me lose some weight?” or “Can you help people quit smoking?” or the inevitable “Now I am scared. I do not want you to learn of...

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March 11, 2012
Want to master life?

Live life one day at a time. Life can be pretty overwhelming for most of us when you try to see the big picture. Usually we begin to notice every bit at a time of the entire vision. If we see it in a movie then we see only one image at a time and...

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March 9, 2012
What is your number?

I write to you today, because I have arrived at a cross road. Since 2009 much has shifted in my consciousness, in the world's consciousness. We know that change is the only constant in life. We also agree there are no accidents or absolutes. At a cosmic and global level we have noticed much change....

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March 1, 2012
Creating a blogging mindset

First of all a deep gratitude and humble expression towards my Social Media Coach Laurie Hurley. On Tuesday, I attended a seminar she partnered with Brad Burch and presented at the Thousand Oaks Inn. This was yesterday when she mentioned that she would have a way of promoting those who chose to participate. In my...

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February 12, 2012
How hypnotherapy helps

How hypnotherapy helps?  Last night we heard that Whitney Houston the mega pop star passed away. A star disintegrated into dust. My first response was this is common news when we hear of someone famous from the glittery world eventually passes away struggling with addiction. As a student of physics I am familiar with the...

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