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Spiritual Healing Blog
by Coach & Mentor Keya Murthy

September 26, 2024
Mindfulness Simplified - 1 Easy Way to Find Calm

Mindfulness will help you make your Present Moment, a Pleasant Moment You hear the word mindfulness and wonder how to find it when everything in your life feels like it's all over the place. It's not that hard when you know how to start a simple mindfulness practice. It gets better as you work it...

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October 22, 2022
How To Thrive In A Relationship With Someone Who Needs Everything Organized (& You Don't)

Do you feel you have been judged because someone called you a “neat freak” or a “slob?" A neat freak and slob exist at polar ends of a spectrum. Most of us occupy an area somewhere in between these opposites. There will always be someone neater than you — or a bigger slob. The question...

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October 18, 2022
How To Give A Teenager Advice They'll Actually Follow

The truth is, no one likes to be told what to do. One of my teachers used to say “don’t advise unless someone asks you for it.” To enjoy and thrive in any relationship, unless you are a project leader or a parent, do you really need to tell others what to do? Children surely...

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September 19, 2022
How To Make Daily Meditation Work — Even On The Most Frantic Schedule

Growing up in India in a non-religious household, I assumed that everyone did yoga and meditation every morning. My dad would do his yoga and prānāyāma (yogic breath work) followed by a few minutes of meditation. My brother and I still follow this childhood habit half a century later. To us, yoga and meditation are like...

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April 20, 2022
The 5 Steps You'll Take On Your Journey To Inner Peace

Most people seek happiness. Yet there comes a time when you want to transcend happiness and seek inner peace. Happiness is like ice cream. It comes in many flavors — joy, contentment, euphoria are a few that come to mind. And while happiness is great, what you truly seek is peace. You want peace at...

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December 20, 2021
How To Get Help With Abusive Relationships - Without Understanding You Can't Take Action

How to get help with abusive relationships is a common question for those who grew up in abusive households. Abuse could be amidst siblings which parents did not do much to protect one from the other. How To Get Help With Abusive Relationships? Lying is not the answer. Though it will get you the attention...

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July 12, 2021
How Meditation Paves the Way for Forgiveness & Letting Go — and 3 Ways to Get Started

What does it mean to forgive and forget? Is it even possible to do? Whether the focus is on yourself, another person, or a situation, meditation for forgiveness may be what you need in order to truly let go. Meditation for forgiveness is an active lifestyle But, how does it work? How often should you practice forgiveness? I...

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March 17, 2021
3 HUGE reasons as to Why Is It Hard To Forgive Yourself?

Metaphorically, I could tell you a million reasons in response to as to why is it hard to forgive yourself. I am not kidding when I make this claim. Your soul signature is as unique as your fingerprint. Your reasons to not forgive yourself is as unique as your soul signature. For the simplicity of...

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December 15, 2020
How to Ask for Forgiveness: 5 different ways to guarantee a life of freedom and peace

It's important to know how to ask for forgiveness, not only because it's polite but because the relationship matters to you. You are forgiven when you forgive yourself. For the other to forgive you, you have to forgive yourself first. Also, you must ask in a way the other feels that you mean it and...

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December 11, 2020
5 Reasons Practicing Self-Forgiveness is Critical to Your Happiness

Forgiveness has never been for the other. The only forgiveness to practice is the practice of self forgiveness. To try to forgive someone else is like asking the other to change and the other not being able to keep up with your expectations. Forgiveness is crucial for a happy life. Without forgiveness, you are consuming...

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