What is special about today? Feb 14th, 2018 is smack-dab in the middle of the only month with exactly 4 weeks – 28 days. On this day almost everyone in the urban world is celebrating something or the other. – St Valentine’s day – a hallmark festival, - Ash Wednesday – a Catholic festival,...
This week's wisdom for now 🙂 If you want to be truly happy: Do not mix "business" with "pleasure". Don't mistake "friendship" for "love". If you want to be prosperous: Don't mingle with the miserly. You may do business with them and conduct transactions with them, but do not receive gifts from them. Their gifts...
Daily inspiration for 11-29-2017 "Words turn into prophecy. You speak your truth into existence through the words you use. Be mindful of the words you give voice to." - Keya Murthy, M.S.,C.Ht., Your Soul Coach using Hypnosis, NLP, Huna, Reiki, Yoga, and Ayurveda photocredits: William-Farlow on unsplash.com
8 Steps of Yoga leading to Bliss According to the Bible of Yoga : Yogasutra authored by Patanjali, an East-Indian scholar, Yoga has eight aspects, which are to be developed in sequence. You cannot jump around and expect to gain the benefits of yoga. The word yog, means union or addition. What are you adding...
General Guidelines for a simplified yoga practice: Always practice on an empty or a very light stomach: an hour to four hours after a meal Asana meaning a posture can be practiced one to five times. If you are a beginner, it will do better to practice multiple repetitions rather than trying to hold a...
Pain-free living is possible. Pain comes in many shapes, sizes, and forms. Pain has no discretion. It affects the wealthy, the poor, young, old, men, women and all ethnicities without prejudice. Pain has no bias. Pain takes residence in human life and stays forever. At times pain uses your days as revolving doors – flitting...
What is the most effective subconscious mind power technique that exists today? We can call it by any name we choose, but it is the same process: Enter the conscious mind, By pass the critical mind Access the subconscious mind. Hypnosis allows you to access the subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind is the gateway to...
You are what you eat “Let thy food be thy medicine, Let thy medicine be thy food.” - Hippocrates 460 BC These words are eternally true. Whatever you put into your mouth must be beneficial for the body. The food that does not help you get and stay healthy will only hurt you. If you...