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Last Updated On:  January 17, 2013

142 uses of Hypnosis that Coach Keya can help you with living a beautiful, powerful and free life

By Coach Keya

There are many uses of hypnosis, at least 142 of which Clinical Hypnotherapist Keya Murthy has been trained to help you with.

142 uses of hypnosis that Keya can help you with

Coach Keya, Clinical Hypnotherapist

Keya Murthy, M.S., C.Ht. Uses of hypnosis are many, it all depends on what you want help with.

Keya's area of expertise are highlighted below:

  1. Addictions
  2. Age regression
  3. Agoraphobia
  4. Anesthesia
  5. Anger
  6. Anxiety
  7. Assertiveness
  8. Assist healing
  9. Attitude adjustment
  10. Bedwetting
  11. Biofeedback
  12. Breathing
  13. Career Success
  14. Change habits
  15. Childbirth
  16. Chronic pain *
  17. Communication *
  18. Concentration
  19. Confidence *
  20. Change habits *
  21. Cramps
  22. Cravings

  23. Creativity
  24. Death or Loss *
  25. Discouraged *
  26. Dream interpretation
  27. Exam anxiety
  28. Exercise
  29. Family *
  30. Fear loss of control *
  31. Fear of death *
  32. Fear of dentist
  33. Fear of doctor
  34. Fear of failure *
  35. Fear of flying
  36. Fear of heights
  37. Fear of school *
  38. Fear of success *
  39. Fear of surgery *
  40. Fear of water
  41. Fears *
  42. Forgiveness *
  43. Frustration *
  44. Gagging
  45. Gambling
  46. Goal Getting *
  47. Guilt *
  48. Hair twisting *
  49. Headaches *
  50. Helplessness *
  51. Hostility *
  52. Hypertension *
  53. Hypochondria
  54. Immune system *
  55. Impotency
  56. Improve health *
  57. Improve sales *
  58. Indecision *
  59. Inferiority *
  60. Inhibition *
  61. Insecurity *
  62. Insomnia *
  63. Irrational thoughts *
  64. Irritability *
  65. Jealousy *
  66. Lack of ambition *
  67. Lack of direction *
  68. Lack of enthusiasm *
  69. Lack of initiative *
  70. Lower blood pressure *
  71. Maintaining focus *
  72. Medication side effects
  73. Memory enhancement
  74. Mistrust *
  75. Moodiness *
  76. Motivation *
  77. Nail-biting
  78. Nausea
  79. Negativism *
  80. Nightmares *
  81. Obsessions *
  82. Obsessive-Compulsive behavior
  83. Overeating
  84. Overly critical *
  85. Pain management *
  86. Panic Attacks *
  87. Passive Aggressive *
  88. Past life regression *
  89. Perfectionism *
  90. Performance anxiety *
  91. Pessimism
  92. Phobias
  93. Post-surgery
  94. Premature ejaculation
  95. Pre-surgery
  96. Problem-solving
  97. Procrastination *
  98. Public speaking *
  99. Rejection *
  100. Relationship enhancement *
  101. Relaxation *
  102. Resistance *
  103. Resistance to change
  104. Responsibilities *
  105. Restlessness *
  106. Sadness *
  107. Self-awareness *
  108. Self-blame *
  109. Self-confidence *
  110. Self-control *
  111. Self-criticism *
  112. Self-defeating behaviors *
  113. Self-esteem *
  114. Self-expression *
  115. Self-forgiveness *
  116. Self-healing *
  117. Self-hypnosis *
  118. Self-Image *
  119. Self-mastery *
  120. Sexual problems
  121. Sleep disorders *
  122. Smoking Cessation
  123. Social Phobia *
  124. Spirituality *
  125. Sports performance
  126. Stage fright *
  127. Stress *
  128. Stubborn
  129. Study habits *
  130. Stuttering
  131. Substance abuse
  132. Superiority
  133. Tardiness *
  134. Temptation*
  135. Thumb sucking
  136. Tics
  137. Trauma
  138. Ulcers
  139. Victimization
  140. Weight loss
  141. Worry *
  142. Writer's block *

The items that I have marked with a *, I might consider working with depending on my availability. If you feel that I might be the hypnotherapist to help you with your current challenge, please visit to book your clarity call personally with me.

Some cases may need a referral from your medical doctor or psychologist. 

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