Feeling Overwhelmed?
Many find themselves feeling overwhelmed, stuck, or lost at various times. Coach Keya Murthy shares her wisdom about how to regain your bearings in these blogs.
Even one of these feelings means you need help. There's no need for blame, shame, or guilt. I have laid out three quizzes so you can figure out if you are struggling with one or more of these situations. At the end of each quiz, there is a link to a form to fill out and request a 20-minute personal consultation.
Feeling lost in life, stuck or overwhelmed at times is not uncommon for most of us. But if this feeling lingers longer than three months you and I need to talk.
How to recognize if you are feeling lost?
Struggling with loss leads to feelings of overwhelm.
- In order to recognize this, answer the following questions with all honesty.
- You know you want it to get better but don’t know how?
- Do you often find yourself seeking external validation?
- Do you feel you have no direction?
- Do you often ask “why me” or “why now” or “why not me” or “why not now” too often?
- Do you feel you do all the things others say work for them and they don’t seem to work for you?
- Do you start things but soon enough get bored and quit and start something else?
- Do you procrastinate a lot?
If you have answered Yes to even one of these questions chances are you are feeling lost. Fill out the form by clicking on this link and let’s connect. Solutions are easier than you think.
How do you know you are feeling stuck?
Feeling stuck too often can leave you feeling overwhelmed. It's not same, yet similar.
- Is repetition the norm of the day?
- Do you find yourself spinning in circles and seem to go nowhere?
- When others ask “how’s it going?” is your response “same old same old”?
- Do you feel you deserve better or more?
- Does your day feel monotonous?
- Do you spend time wondering when you will be done with your work at hand so you can escape to your electronic gadgets, social media, binge eating, alcohol, or something else?
- Do you have emotional secrets that your mind doesn’t even want to think about?
- Do you feel bored more often than not?
If you have answered 'Yes' to one, it's ok. If you have answered 'Yes' to 3-5 questions, then you and I need to have a conversation. If you have answered 'Yes' to more than 5 questions, this is serious and we need to connect immediately. Visit coachkeya.com/clarity to fill out your application.
To find out if you are feeling overwhelmed answer the following quiz with sincerity.
- Do you feel that you are spread or stretched too thin?
- Do you always more than three projects running parallel and you at times feel like a chicken running around with its head cut off?
- Do you keep forgetting where you placed something?
- Do you get tensed easily?
- Do you get upset and angry at first and sad later?
- Do you feel misunderstood?
- Do you feel others can’t do a job as good as you do it?
- Do you feel unappreciated?
- Doing the right things and getting the wrong results?
Again, if you have more "yes" than "no", you are not alone in your feelings. Let me help you! Fill out the application for a clarity call to get started.
To help you understand what you could do more while waiting for the clarity call, you could watch the video below. In this video, I draw the curtains back to show you what I do to never show up in life, during the day, experiencing either of these feelings.
Feeling either of these feelings are downers during the day. And if you have been feeling them for longer than three months, I know what you are experiencing and how hard it is for you to move from point A to point B.
Images from Unsplash.com by Tim Gouw, Victoria Heath and Jake Pierrelee