Is it a FAD or here to stay? Better yet, mindfulness is a word tossed around a lot. What does it mean? How do you incorporate it in your life? To get answers to these questions and learn how you can meditate every day for every waking hour read on.
In a 60 minute workshop, you will learn how you can meditate for a minute every waking hour. If you are awake for sixteen hours every day(assuming you sleep for eight hours every day), you can meditate for 16 minutes every day, and mindfully too. Wouldn’t it be fun?
Meditation isn’t spirituality nor is it any religion. Meditation is like rinsing your mouth, brushing your teeth and scraping your tongue to invest in your dental hygiene. You would like to have your teeth intact for at least an hour after you leave your body by taking your last breath. Meditation is not for an after life. Meditation is about keeping your sanity and your dignity during your everyday existence. Meditation is for lowering your medical bills and avoiding your lawyer fees. Meditation helps you about living in harmony with everyone you meet every day.
Meditation is about being present and enjoying the gift of life. You always meditate alone, even when you meditate in a group. Like at your Thanksgiving dinner, you are eating in the presence of others, yet you are eating on your own by yourself, right? Just like you can eat anywhere: while driving, walking, talking, sitting or even lying down, you can meditate anywhere: while driving, walking, talking, sitting or even lying down.
For a group of two or more, Coach Keya will help your group learn how to meditate in during and after the workshop. You don’t need any special attire or props. All you need is your water, and writing utensils (paper and pen).
Coach Keya has been a meditator all her life. #1 International bestselling author on, Keya is the founding owner of Ventura Healing Center where she works as a hypnotherapist, NLP coach, EFT practitioner, energy medicine practitioner, yoga, and meditation teacher. Keya also teaches Reiki and Huna healing at the center. Keya offers meditation workshop at the center and will also come to your place of work, place of residence and community center.
An individual love offering/donation of $11 or any number by each attendee is appreciated and gratefully accepted but not expected.
Write to [email protected] or call 805-275-2289 to leave a message to discuss options or having a Meditation Workshop for your group of two or more.
Peace, Amen, Aloha, Shalom, Namaste!